The Origins of Trick-or-Treating: From Souling to Modern Halloween

Have you ever wondered about the history of trick-or-treating and where this tradition began? The practice of dressing up in costumes and going door to door for treats is a much more recent development, but its roots stretch back to the Middle Ages and a tradition known as souling. Souling: A Medieval Tradition During the […]
How Halloween Was Celebrated in the Middle Ages: A Blend of Ancient and Christian Traditions

Did you know that Halloween underwent significant changes during the Middle Ages? This period saw the fusion of Christian beliefs with the long-held traditions of the Celts, forever transforming the way Halloween was celebrated. As Christianity spread across Europe, two important holidays were introduced that became key to shaping Halloween as we know it today. […]
What is the True Origin of Halloween? The History of an Ancient Tradition

Have you ever wondered where Halloween truly began? The spooky costumes, eerie decorations, and trick-or-treating we enjoy today actually have roots in the Origin of Halloween, dating back over 2,000 years to an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain (pronounced “sow-in”). This festival was celebrated in what is now Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and parts of Northern […]